New readers:

I am Desere Shuter. Welcome to my blog. As Mrs. Shuter, I taught in South L.A. where I pushed kids to struggle and achieve aha moments every day. When I became a mom and found RIE, I realized how I can apply the same methodology of struggling and respect to my parenting.

I am not a RIE certified teacher, nor do I specialize in early childhood development. I am a mom who believes in RIE and is learning to use it in the day to day. I invite you to learn with me!

You can start at the beginning and read about the type of teacher I was, the struggles I faced as a new mom, and finding RIE. Go to my first article and read your way to the present by using the links at the bottom of each article.

The rest of my posts will be weekly updates on what I specifically learned in that week’s RIE class and what I’ve tried at home. I will include things that worked, things that didn’t work, and every experience in between. You can see a complete list of all my posts, and simply choose one that appears interesting.

Love, Desere

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